Sunday, September 9, 2012



I know it's taken a while for me to make a post - there were some issues with my VPN (the thing that lets me onto Facebook and Blog sites). 

So here's a quick recap of my first week (and a half) in Beijing China!! 

  1. Finally made it to China. There was a little something called a TYPHOON that made flying a little difficult. 
  2. Moved into my 中国家的公寓 (Chinese family's apartment) 
  3. Went to 北京大学 (Beijing University) orientation 
  4. Tried Peking Duck...okay so I actually passed on the duck. But I did go to an authentic Chinese restaurant and stuffed myself full with helping of every other dish on the table. 
  5. Went to Tiananmen Square with my Swag Team 
  6. Started a language pledge. 我和我的同学们从星期一到星期五没能说英语。That's right. Monday - Friday my classmates and I can only speak Chinese. Every time we speak in English we get 2% taken off our final grades 
  7. Had my first day of school!! 7 in class hours a day, a total of at least 10 hours on campus. By the end of the day you can feel your brain twitching with all the power. 
  8. Finally learned the true meaning of T.G.I.F...seriously. You go a whole week without having a real conversation in your native language and end the week with a 3 hour long test followed by 3 more hours of class. We celebrated by going to a fun little pizza bar and ordering fully legal - drinking age in Asia is 18 - drinks. I sprung for the $4(¥24) frozen margarita. 
  9. Acquired a mean cold. So my family gave me some Chinese medicine. The absolute worst tasting thing I've ever experience in my life. It was a grainy black liquid "tea". But I tell you what, I woke up the next morning feeling like a million bucks...Never taking it again though. 
  10. Had my first go a real Chinese street food! And it was delicious!! I have no idea what it was called or what was really in it. But I know it involved peppers, onion, a sauce, and what we decided were flat rice noodles. And by street food I mean I sat on a table in an alley as cars zoomed behing my back. 


  1. you're so cute! look at you and your frozen marg :)

  2. Yay! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

  3. Hi Jessica,
    So good to hear an update. Sounds like things are great!
    Love, Barbara
